Oil means money. Lots of money.
Money means power. Lots of power.
As the rebuilding proceeds in Iraq it becomes ever more apparent that Saddam Hussein and his regime were truly bad guys as advertised. They definitely deserved to be put out to pasture. There was some question about who should do the job. If the United Nations was not so corrupt it would have been theirs. Realistically, however, the U.N. is toothless. It will never be effective in situations like this unless it is overhauled completely. As it stands, the only organization with the ability to correct the evil in Iraq (without the use of nuclear weapons) was and is the United States. And it isn't going to be easy.
As the process of rebuilding goes forward we are gathering more detailed information about Islamic fundamentalists. These people may ultimately prove to be a greater threat to regional stability than Saddam Hussein and his gang.
Interestingly, as we discover more about Islamic Fundamentalism, our focus is turning from Iraq to Saudi Arabia. During the years since World War II, America's Saudi Arabian friends have been openly hostile to all non-Islamic people, especially Americans and Israelis. Our government has not anxious to inform the American public of this.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been using their oil as a political and religious tool for decades. The Saudi's have made no secret that they are enemies of the United States - but our government chose to overlook it in order to secure adequate supplies of oil. America chose to be blackmailed by the Saudi's - in return for oil. Simple as that.
Where was Americas vaunted moral and ethical compass?
According to the Islamic Fundamentalists, ALL non-Muslims are infidels and their lives are of no consequence. ALL infidels are to be exterminated, and the hated Jews should be the first to go.
It has taken a while to penetrate the American mind that there are such twisted and bloodthirsty people. Modern society universally holds that human beings have value. Not the Saudi's. Their peculiar, distorted and evil view of Islam is the result of the Wahhabist interpretation.
The Wahhabists are a vicious and intolerant sect of fundamentalist Muslims. Their interpretation of the Qu'ran (Koran) can only be described as evil. There are no other words. Most Saudi's are Wahhabist Muslims. One of their loudly proclaimed hates is their anti-Semitism. They are rabid anti-Semites to the core. Once again, our American government has known this for decades - but given in to it, overlooked it, gone along with it, and kept it rather quiet. Our leaders have acted in a disgusting way by allowing the Saudi's to impose their prejudice in the granting of contracts, spending of their money, and protection of their borders.
Worse yet, America continues to arm the Saudi's - while understanding the certainty that the Saudi's will use the weapons against the Israelis at first opportunity.
It is time the American voting public paid attention.
If America does not hold to it's values, does not honor our founding fathers and exhibit goodness and right to the world - then why are we in Iraq?