

Saturday, September 10, 2005


Israel - right or wrong?


Israel is a puzzling country. A tiny wisp of land in the midst of aggressive enemies. The Israeli people have deep roots there. They can and will stubbornly defend their land. The rest of the world can count on it. In America Israeli's have strong support. There is a feeling here that the jews deserve a homeland. That they earned it by the fact of the holocaust.
The land itself was a gift from a saddened world ashamed of the tragic Jewish history. The borders were carved out of essentially wasted, infertile and unwanted earth. In terms of natural resources no land is or was poorer. At the time Israel was founded it was sparsely inhabited by both Jews and a very few Palestinian Arabs. The Arabs were welcomed to the new state of Israel, but they would have none of it.
The Palestinian Arabs had no political organization, no country of their own, and no inclination to join the world's communities. Instead they fought all progress, all attempts to forge a political unit, and any attempt to get them to tolerate their neighbors. The situation was intolerable.

Zionism has been part of Jewish culture where ever they have lived. The phrase "next year in Jerusalem" represented a better day to come. When the state of Israel was created the dream became a fact. Jews flooded to Israel from all parts of the world. At last they had a homeland.

Anti-Semitism, especially in the Arab world, made the new nation of Israel a primary target. While the origin of anti-semitism is not clear to me, it certainly has been a fact of Jewish life for centuries. It is part of the problem with all Muslims. Palestinians now claim the land of Israel was stolen from them. It's a lie because they never had it in the first place. For those who follow the religion of Islam, a lie is a normal part of complaining. It's also a regular part of their war of terror against Israelis.

The followers of Islam are dedicated to erasing Israel, Israelis, and all other infidels from the face of the earth. The instruction is stated in clear language in the Koran and is the basis upon which radical, extremist Muslims view the world.

Today, "political correctness" has impacted our society. Just a few years ago there were many uncomplimentary names for the Jewish people and racism was alive and well. The world has more recently learned that the religion of Islam is the source of nearly all of the paranoid hatred, antisemitism, and inhuman terrorism inflicted upon the Israelis and other infidels.

The hateful Religion of Islam.

Millions of radical Arab Muslims have been taught by their extremist religious leaders that Jews are the natural enemy of Islam. The fires of hate have spread by these hateful but powerful religious leaders. We are told that millions of Muslims believe these lies. Americans have become major targets of Muslim terrorism. These extremists have no tolerance for any religion but their own. They believe that anyone who is not a follower of Islam is an enemy and must die.

The religion of Islam must change - or close up shop.

Case closed.

A Holy War?

Christendom vs Islam?

Christendom and Judaism vs Islam?

The so called Western Democracies vs Islam?

The Christian West and Christian Russia vs Islam?

Let me know...enjoyed your blog.

Gary...filthy as rags
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