June 2005.
The President talked to our nation last night. He should do it more often. Without the "smirk" he is fairly effective. The subject was the war in Iraq and he had three main things to get across:
The outrageous criticism from the political left is so virulent that it is giving aid and comfort to our enemies. As far as I am concerned, this is a clear indication that partisan politics is becoming more important than our nation's survival. Not good.
The war in Iraq has been won hands down but the peace is still to come. Terrorists in and out of Iraq are preventing faster progress and need to be stopped. They are a relatively small number but extremely radical and dangerous. These "criminals" have managed to keep most Iraqi neighborhoods in a state of fear. There's no peace yet. Of course, the American extreme left wing liberals blame President Bush and his administration. They are very loud with their criticism but, as usual, there's not much thought behind it. They are definitely making it more difficult to bring peace and resolution to that sad country.
Some of the more nasty critics have reduced American politics to a ridiculous cock fight. The traitors Axis Sally and Tokyo Rose of WW II fame did less damage. These critics are pretty awful. We have people like:
Susan Sarandon * Dick Durbin * Bono * Harry Reid
John Schumer * Sean Penn * Rob Reiner * Charlie Rangel
John Kerry * Michael Moore * Howard Dean * Barbra Streisand
Jane Fonda * Ted Kennedy * Nancy Pelosi * The Dixie Chicks
And other well known extreme leftist liberals making statements that border upon ANTI-AMERICANISM. These idiots are trying to turn the idea of patriotism inside out. What happened to the loyal opposition?- What happened to vigorous, peaceful debate of contrary notions?
How did these few Democratic radicals manage to sink so fast and so deep in the dog poop?
We will never know. They have single handedly shot the Democrats in their collective foot and nearly destroyed the party. While that brings a smile to my face, it is not a good thing. America needs a loyal opposition. Issues need to be studied and debated from ALL sides. The fact that the current Democratic Party leadership has turned off most of their constituency raises the question of what political party will replace the Democrats.
Who will debate the issues?
posted by Notes From Dixon #
8:34 AM