Getting old? Too bad. There's not a damn thing you can do about it.
Look in the mirror. The guy looking back is slowing down isn't he? He looks a bit wrinkled and gray and past his prime - but hates to admit it. Being almost over the hill is no damn fun at all. There are more and more afternoons when he's tired, angry and ready for a soft chair and a cold beer - even before he pets the dog. And those days are coming around more frequently now.
Reminisces will corrode your plumbing and warp your brain. It does no good to think about what might have been done differently - why it wasn't - and who really cares anyway. Someone pointed out that there will never be a day with as much potential as today. That dunce was just another damn fool optimist, and may a pox be upon him. Think about it. Did he mean potential good or bad. Is the glass half full or half empty? Bah! Humbugeroo.
Personally, every time I am gloomy and out of sorts I think about the poet, or was it Shakespeare who said "do not go gentle into the night". Now that guy had the right idea. I know he was talking about death but what he said applies every day. If a person has only one shot it's important to make the most of it. I like that. Of course, it gets harder when a person begins to run out of gas. How then does a person motivate his day? The best bet seems to be to set a few new priorities (if and when you can find the energy) intended to keep you from napping. You can beat lethargy every time if you just remember that "oldness" is a state of somebody else's mind. Blurp'em. Doesn't apply to you. Make your long list of important things to do - get out of the chair - start moving - then forget where you put the list.
The things you've always wanted to do but couldn't.
Erase those things you can no longer do anyway.
Forget those things that require a short term memory.
Keep expensive things on the list. You never know..
If you haven't enough money sell your gold inlays.
What ever you do - don't find the list.
But NEVER give up!
posted by Notes From Dixon #
5:00 PM