Everything begins sometime and at someplace. How could anyone think otherwise. Common sense is enough to convince us that everything we know, including humanity, began somewhere. The same logic is much less certain about when or if an ending might occur. We are left waiting to find out. The Bible provides a hint when it says that we will end in the dust where we began. That statement may be a clue as to where humanity is headed. It does not however, meet the demands of common sense. It tells us that the dust remains behind, and the dust itself is something is it not.
With those brain burps consider yourself forewarned. I write pretty much what is on my mind at the time. It usually makes some sort of sense to me, but it may not to you. Blogging offers a way to relieve the stress of everyday. If it does the job well I will be overjoyed.
If not, mox nix.
My generation is not enamored with mental illnesses. It's a subject not quite out of the closet and rarely talked about. .There seems to be something effeminite about psychology and psychiatry. My friends and I came before the "ME" generation. We went to school when COMPETITION was still used to teach INCENTIVE. Does anyone remember those days? A student could actually and be held back until he got it right. Why don't they they do that any more?
"POLITICAL CORRECTNESS" has replaced common sense, that's why.
The over educated, wildly liberal, social engineers produced by our colleges and universities have decided that "NO ONE CAN WIN - BECAUSE THEN SOMEONE MUST LOSE. . Our public schools bought this nonsensical concept, and have already ruined generations of students. (There are times when I think they all became politicians. But I digress). These educators have created the beginning of a dumbed-down American society. Our upper level students no longer consider; belief in a supreme being, honoring parents, patriotism, loyalty, honesty or integrity as beneficial to themselves or others.
The new mantra is "HOW CAN I DO LESS AND GET MORE".
Pay attention in your community. You may notice that COMPETITIVE SPORTS are slowly being phased out of many elementary and intermediate schools. It was first thought to be the result of a a lack of funding - but later discoved to be more political correctness. The so called "mental health experts" have taken over a lot of our school systems. These are tje people insisting, with no supporting facts, that COMPETITION CREATES LOSERS. In their collective stupidity they are trying to sell the idea that children and young adults are so delicate they can't stand the pressure of competition. Oh, give me a break.
Let's face some facts here:
Life is competitive.
There are consequences to your actions.
Some people will lose.and some will win.
Athletic programs promote competition and improve health..
Good health, a good education, and a competive spirit prepares students for life..
posted by Notes From Dixon #
3:19 PM