Sunday, September 11, 2005
Starting the blog
Everything begins sometime and at someplace. How could anyone think otherwise. Common sense is enough to convince us that everything we know, including humanity, began somewhere. The same logic is much less certain about when or if an ending might occur. We are left waiting to find out. The Bible provides a hint when it says that we will end in the dust where we began. That statement may be a clue as to where humanity is headed. It does not however, meet the demands of common sense. It tells us that the dust remains behind, and the dust itself is something is it not.
With those brain burps consider yourself forewarned. I write pretty much what is on my mind at the time. It usually makes some sort of sense to me, but it may not to you. Blogging offers a way to relieve the stress of everyday. If it does the job well I will be overjoyed.
If not, mox nix.
My generation is not enamored with mental illnesses. It's a subject not quite out of the closet and rarely talked about. .There seems to be something effeminite about psychology and psychiatry. My friends and I came before the "ME" generation. We went to school when COMPETITION was still used to teach INCENTIVE. Does anyone remember those days? A student could actually and be held back until he got it right. Why don't they they do that any more?
"POLITICAL CORRECTNESS" has replaced common sense, that's why.
The over educated, wildly liberal, social engineers produced by our colleges and universities have decided that "NO ONE CAN WIN - BECAUSE THEN SOMEONE MUST LOSE. . Our public schools bought this nonsensical concept, and have already ruined generations of students. (There are times when I think they all became politicians. But I digress). These educators have created the beginning of a dumbed-down American society. Our upper level students no longer consider; belief in a supreme being, honoring parents, patriotism, loyalty, honesty or integrity as beneficial to themselves or others.
The new mantra is "HOW CAN I DO LESS AND GET MORE".
Pay attention in your community. You may notice that COMPETITIVE SPORTS are slowly being phased out of many elementary and intermediate schools. It was first thought to be the result of a a lack of funding - but later discoved to be more political correctness. The so called "mental health experts" have taken over a lot of our school systems. These are tje people insisting, with no supporting facts, that COMPETITION CREATES LOSERS. In their collective stupidity they are trying to sell the idea that children and young adults are so delicate they can't stand the pressure of competition. Oh, give me a break.
Let's face some facts here:
Life is competitive.
There are consequences to your actions.
Some people will lose.and some will win.
Athletic programs promote competition and improve health..
Good health, a good education, and a competive spirit prepares students for life..
Newt & Hillary - blurp
Newt Gingrich and Hillary Clinton have joined forces to work on improving health care in America. This was reported on the telly by a newsperson who could hardly resist the giggles. These two people are so very unlikely to cooperate that the very idea is humorous.
There must be a hidden reason why a truce has been called. Perhaps there is something sinister behind all this friendly nonsense. Newt is one of the most intelligent conservatives now on the political scene. He is also (arguably) one of the most abrasive people in the whole universe.
Hillary, an extremely left of left liberal and hard shelled Democratic Senator, is one of the most ruthless and ambitious politicians ever to grace the halls of the Senate. Politically, Hillary is so far left of Newt it's laughable. Like her husband ex-President Bill, Hillary is self centered, hard working, radically liberal, and usually wrong.
It will be a modern miracle if Hillary and Newt can do ANYTHING worthwhile together.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Israel - right or wrong?
Israel is a puzzling country. A tiny wisp of land in the midst of aggressive enemies. The Israeli people have deep roots there. They can and will stubbornly defend their land. The rest of the world can count on it. In America Israeli's have strong support. There is a feeling here that the jews deserve a homeland. That they earned it by the fact of the holocaust.
The land itself was a gift from a saddened world ashamed of the tragic Jewish history. The borders were carved out of essentially wasted, infertile and unwanted earth. In terms of natural resources no land is or was poorer. At the time Israel was founded it was sparsely inhabited by both Jews and a very few Palestinian Arabs. The Arabs were welcomed to the new state of Israel, but they would have none of it.
The Palestinian Arabs had no political organization, no country of their own, and no inclination to join the world's communities. Instead they fought all progress, all attempts to forge a political unit, and any attempt to get them to tolerate their neighbors. The situation was intolerable.
Zionism has been part of Jewish culture where ever they have lived. The phrase "next year in Jerusalem" represented a better day to come. When the state of Israel was created the dream became a fact. Jews flooded to Israel from all parts of the world. At last they had a homeland.
Anti-Semitism, especially in the Arab world, made the new nation of Israel a primary target. While the origin of anti-semitism is not clear to me, it certainly has been a fact of Jewish life for centuries. It is part of the problem with all Muslims. Palestinians now claim the land of Israel was stolen from them. It's a lie because they never had it in the first place. For those who follow the religion of Islam, a lie is a normal part of complaining. It's also a regular part of their war of terror against Israelis.
The followers of Islam are dedicated to erasing Israel, Israelis, and all other infidels from the face of the earth. The instruction is stated in clear language in the Koran and is the basis upon which radical, extremist Muslims view the world.
Today, "political correctness" has impacted our society. Just a few years ago there were many uncomplimentary names for the Jewish people and racism was alive and well. The world has more recently learned that the religion of Islam is the source of nearly all of the paranoid hatred, antisemitism, and inhuman terrorism inflicted upon the Israelis and other infidels.
The hateful Religion of Islam.
Millions of radical Arab Muslims have been taught by their extremist religious leaders that Jews are the natural enemy of Islam. The fires of hate have spread by these hateful but powerful religious leaders. We are told that millions of Muslims believe these lies. Americans have become major targets of Muslim terrorism. These extremists have no tolerance for any religion but their own. They believe that anyone who is not a follower of Islam is an enemy and must die.
The religion of Islam must change - or close up shop.
Case closed.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Old Timers Lament
Getting old? Too bad. There's not a damn thing you can do about it.
Look in the mirror. The guy looking back is slowing down isn't he? He looks a bit wrinkled and gray and past his prime - but hates to admit it. Being almost over the hill is no damn fun at all. There are more and more afternoons when he's tired, angry and ready for a soft chair and a cold beer - even before he pets the dog. And those days are coming around more frequently now.
Reminisces will corrode your plumbing and warp your brain. It does no good to think about what might have been done differently - why it wasn't - and who really cares anyway. Someone pointed out that there will never be a day with as much potential as today. That dunce was just another damn fool optimist, and may a pox be upon him. Think about it. Did he mean potential good or bad. Is the glass half full or half empty? Bah! Humbugeroo.
Personally, every time I am gloomy and out of sorts I think about the poet, or was it Shakespeare who said "do not go gentle into the night". Now that guy had the right idea. I know he was talking about death but what he said applies every day. If a person has only one shot it's important to make the most of it. I like that. Of course, it gets harder when a person begins to run out of gas. How then does a person motivate his day? The best bet seems to be to set a few new priorities (if and when you can find the energy) intended to keep you from napping. You can beat lethargy every time if you just remember that "oldness" is a state of somebody else's mind. Blurp'em. Doesn't apply to you. Make your long list of important things to do - get out of the chair - start moving - then forget where you put the list.
The things you've always wanted to do but couldn't.
Erase those things you can no longer do anyway.
Forget those things that require a short term memory.
Keep expensive things on the list. You never know..
If you haven't enough money sell your gold inlays.
What ever you do - don't find the list.
But NEVER give up!
Liberals, Critics and Dog Poop
June 2005.
The President talked to our nation last night. He should do it more often. Without the "smirk" he is fairly effective. The subject was the war in Iraq and he had three main things to get across:
The outrageous criticism from the political left is so virulent that it is giving aid and comfort to our enemies. As far as I am concerned, this is a clear indication that partisan politics is becoming more important than our nation's survival. Not good.
The war in Iraq has been won hands down but the peace is still to come. Terrorists in and out of Iraq are preventing faster progress and need to be stopped. They are a relatively small number but extremely radical and dangerous. These "criminals" have managed to keep most Iraqi neighborhoods in a state of fear. There's no peace yet. Of course, the American extreme left wing liberals blame President Bush and his administration. They are very loud with their criticism but, as usual, there's not much thought behind it. They are definitely making it more difficult to bring peace and resolution to that sad country.
Some of the more nasty critics have reduced American politics to a ridiculous cock fight. The traitors Axis Sally and Tokyo Rose of WW II fame did less damage. These critics are pretty awful. We have people like:
Susan Sarandon * Dick Durbin * Bono * Harry Reid
John Schumer * Sean Penn * Rob Reiner * Charlie Rangel
John Kerry * Michael Moore * Howard Dean * Barbra Streisand
Jane Fonda * Ted Kennedy * Nancy Pelosi * The Dixie Chicks
And other well known extreme leftist liberals making statements that border upon ANTI-AMERICANISM. These idiots are trying to turn the idea of patriotism inside out. What happened to the loyal opposition?- What happened to vigorous, peaceful debate of contrary notions?
How did these few Democratic radicals manage to sink so fast and so deep in the dog poop?
We will never know. They have single handedly shot the Democrats in their collective foot and nearly destroyed the party. While that brings a smile to my face, it is not a good thing. America needs a loyal opposition. Issues need to be studied and debated from ALL sides. The fact that the current Democratic Party leadership has turned off most of their constituency raises the question of what political party will replace the Democrats.
Who will debate the issues?
05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005
09/01/2005 - 10/01/2005
10/01/2005 - 11/01/2005
01/01/2006 - 02/01/2006

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